With TRUCE Mediation Solutions you have…​

  • mediators / arbitrators who have participated in over 900 mediations, settlement conferences, and arbitrations.
  • mediators/arbitrators who are trained in communication, body language, and listening skills.
  • mediators/arbitrators who are trained to break down complex issues and focus on the primary reason of the dispute.
  • mediators/arbitrators with a variety of experience in family/divorce, business, land-lord/tenant, construction, HOA, elder and family care, and general disputes.
  • a cost to mediate which may be as low as $1,225.
  • a cost to arbitrate which may be as low as $1,550.

"The goal of resolving conflict is not victory. It's reaching an understanding and letting go of our need to be right."


T  R  U  C  E​


Our goal is to provide a comprehensive service to our clients.  We offer civil, divorce / family mediation, arbitration, and conflict management training.  TRUCE mediators focus on creative solutions that are simply not available in a court setting.  We explore all options and brainstorm new ideas to resolve conflict to produce a win / win for all parties involved.  Our mediators are caring, sensitive, and empathetic to all parties emotional and financial needs.
Copyright Truce Mediation Solutions. All rights reserved.